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2015年成考专升本英语考试真题: What does the underlined word "that" in Paragraph I refer to?

来源:诚为径教育   时间:2020年09月28日

题目:【Reading Comprehension】

   As we recently discovered , there is a Stepmother's Day , though it is not on any official holiday calendar. So,it would be safe to assume that there is a similar day for stepdads,too. Right? Well,it depends on what you read. A Google search brought up posts that say , for example, "It's on father' s day-father' s day is for fathers , step-fathers and people who are like fathers to you-it's a day for making father figures feel special. " Further searching found a Stepfather' s Day Facebook page that says , " The unofficial Stepfather's Day is the fourth Sunday of June. " Unfortunately, as of the publishing of this article , only 30 people have "liked" the page. Considering that studies show 3.3 million men , or 11.1% 0f U. S. fathers,live with at least one stepchild , that's only a drop in the ocean.

    It' s interesting to note that there is a National Grandparents ' Day. President Jimmy Carter signed it into law in 1978. Law ! While grandparents are undoubtedly special people in our children's lives,they are often seen as the most loving family members. But what about the stepparents? The stepparents are the ones who are often the outsiders, the ones who have to endure the hurtful " You're not my dad ! " or "You' re not my mom! " And yet they never give up. They do their best to overcome the inherent challenges of stepparents and be role models for their stepchildren. These unsung(未被颂扬的 ) family heroes deserve " official" days of honor. Perhaps if we are loud enough , President Obama,who had a stepfather himself, will sign into law National Stepmother's Day and National Stepfather's Day.

    Are you with me? Follow me and get your voice heard. How cool it would be if we could make this happen!

【问题】 What does the underlined word "that" in Paragraph I refer to?

A. 11.1% 0f U. S. fathers who live with at least one stepchild in the U. S.

B. 3.3 million men who live with at least one stepchild in the world.

C. Father figures who are equally honored in the U. S.

D. 30 people who support Stepfather' s Day on the Facebook page.








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