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来源:     时间:2022年05月19日






have 用法总结:

① 助动词:have、has、had

② 情态用法:have to

③ 实意动词


1、We had to wait a long time to get our passports, _______?

A. won't we B. don't we C. didn't we D. shouldn't you

2、His wife had the front door painted green yesterday, _______ she?

A. did B. didn’t C. had D. hadn’t


1、Sarah had her washing machine repaired the day before yesterday, _______ she?

A. had B. did C. hadn't D. didn't

2、You had one of your teeth pulled out yesterday, _______ ?

A. had you B. hadn’t you C. did you D. didn’t you



1、She scarcely cares for anything, _______?

A. doesn't she B. does she C. is she D. isn't she

2、You never told me you have seen the film, _______?

A. had you B. didn’t you C. did you D. weren’t you


(一) 标志结构

Do 请求will you?

邀请won’t you?

Don’t,will you?

Let’s,shall we?

Let us,will you?


1、Don't forget to post the letter for me, _______?

A. do you B. will you C. are you D. can you

2、Don’t forget to write to me, _______?

A. will you B. didn’t you C. are you D. don’t you

3、Let’s start working on the project, _______?

A. shall we B. will we C. don’t we D. aren’t we

4、Please let us have more time, _______.

A. shall we B. will you C. won't you D. don't you


1、Be sure to write to us, _______ ?

A. will you B. aren't you C. can you D. mustn't you

2、Don't smoke in the meeting-room, _______ ?

A. do you B. will you C. can you D. could you

3、When you’ve finished with that book, don’t forget to put it back one the shelf, _______?

A. do you B. don’t you C. will you D. won’t you

4、It's a fine day. Let's go fishing, _______?

A. won't we B. will we C. don't we D. shall we

5、We forgot to bring our tickets, but please let us enter, _______.

A. do you B. can we C. will you D. shall we






1、I suppose you're not serious, _______?

A. don't I B. do I C. are you D. aren't you

2、I suppose you are not serious, _______?

A. do I B. don't I C. are you D. aren't you

3、Your mother told me that you overslept this morning, _______?

A. didn't she B. didn't you C. did she D. did you

4、I don't think you've heard of him before, _______?

A. don't I B. do I C. have you D. haven't you

5、I don't think Mary understood what you said, _______?

A. do I B. didn't she C. did you D. did she


1、I’m sure you’d rather she went to school by bus, _______?

A. hadn’t you B. wouldn’t you C. aren’t I D. didn’t she

2、I don’t suppose anyone will volunteer, _______?

A. do I B. don’t I C. will they D. won’t they





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